About Great Commission Ministry Inc.

Our Vision for the future.

The ‘Great Commission’ was given to us by our Lord, commanding us to go into the world and proclaim the ‘Good News’ to all people. If they reject the message it is their responsibility, if they have not heard the ‘Good News’ it is our responsibility. The first barrier we need to deal with is ignorance of the truth. We also need to empower and inspire believers to share the truth about God and what He has done for us and show God’s love to them.


Great Commision Ministry’s Purpose

  1. To publish and distribute literature both written and electronic that will empower Christians to proclaim the Gospel.
  2. To provide training that will empower Christians to obey God’s command.
  3. To provide discipleship materials that will help new Christians become strong in their faith.
  4. To provide leadership training opportunities for mature Christians.

Our vision is to spread the ‘Truth’ as far as possible and help as many people as possible into God’s kingdom. Let’s give everyone an opportunity of going to Heaven.


Training opportunities

Great Commission Ministry is offering a training program called Time to MOVE. We would encourage Churches to open the training to believers attending other Churches. Our training is called 'Time to MOVE,' which stands for Motivation Obedience Vision Evangelism
We also are able to train believers who have the opportunity of reaching Chinese people. The training can be conducted in Mandarin or English.

Empowering believers to reach their world!